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Trailblazers.FM explores stories of today's successful black professionals. Get the know-how, confidence and resources you need to blaze your trail.

Oct 9, 2017

Nicole Walters explains what inspired her to quit her six figure job in front of 10,000 people on Periscope, then go on to earn a million dollars in revenue within 18 months. She explains her motivation and drive behind the work she's doing today. Best part is she shares some nuggets of wisdom on the 3 steps we must engage to move towards that desire of full-time entrepreneurship.

Questions I asked Nicole:

  • What unexpected blessing in your life are you most grateful for?
  • Why were you inspired to quit your job on Periscope in front of 10,000 people?
  • How did you make that first million?
  • What's something that people who don't have money, wrongly assume about wealth?
  • What's driving you today to do the work you're doing?
  • What are the critical steps to move forward toward a goal of full-time entrepreneurship?
  • What are the traits that make an entrepreneur a good sales person?
  • What are some non-negotiable daily habits?
  • What's your best advice to parents to raising awesome kids?
  • Share one action our future entrepreneurs should commit to this week, to help them blaze their trail?

I am only limited by what I can dream and pray for

The bible talks about how your provision resides in your purpose. When you are closely aligned with what you are suppose to do and when you are using the gifts God has given you to serve others then you see bounty. And I can honestly say that's what happened. I took the smarts that I had and I started applying it to the place that I could serve the most, and I started seeing rewards for that. Both financially, emotionally and spiritually. It's really been a blessing.

I had multiple income streams ... my business was not based on a single source of income. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are getting into consulting, is they exchange time for money.